
Monday, May 4, 2015

If You're Curious....

Hi everyone!

I have been busy busy, busy! I'm about a month behind on this update but I'm not really sure where time is going these days. I'm starting my 24th week already. I'm more than half way there! I cannot wait to meet.......

Him or her???? Ah ha! I'll bet you've been wondering. In fact I'm pretty shocked that I have been able to keep it from all of you! :)

I'm going to make this a fun post. I've included some of the photo's that I have taken as I've (tried) to track my progress. I was great up until 19 weeks. Then it got nicer out and I have had a hard time wrangling my photographer into the house to take my picture.

And if you keep scrolling you'll get to see...boy or girl?????

But about a fun little survey. I thought I would share some things about my journey thus far:

How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 22 lbs gained so far! Never thought I'd see those numbers on the scale.
Maternity clothes? Oh sweet heavens yes! Maternity pants??? BEST. INVENTION. EVER. I call them my fat pants. But seriously...elastic bands. Need I say more?
Stretch marks? Notta one.
Sleep: Loving it and sleeping great these past few weeks
Best moment this week: Getting to find great rummage sale deals for the baby!
Have you told family and friends: Yes, our families are very excited.
Movement: Lots and especially when I eat!
Food cravings: The cravings are subsiding a bit but WATERMELON is the current must have!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much these days.
Have you started to show yet: Finally starting to look like there's a baby in there!.
Gender prediction: I thought boy up until about 16 weeks and then thought girl.
Labor Signs: Nope. Pray not for some time.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Rings ON
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on the day. Mostly happy. Easily irritated.
Weekly Wisdom: Stay active! Moving, (horse) riding, walking all makes you feel healthy and happy
Milestones: Accepting my weight gain and knowing it's temporary. :) Thanks to ALL OF YOU GUYS!

Thank you again to everyone who was supportive and offered encouragement after reading my last post. It made a huge difference and has helped me accept that everything I'm experiencing is completely normal. Hugs to you all!

GET READY.......



My husband is very excited to be the father of a baby girl and of course I'm ecstatic.
Better yet, I can now work on decorating the nursery and finding those great rummage sale bargains!

She might end up being slightly spoiled. And most definitely a fashionista. Right husband?

And this might be one of my favorite photo's. I was trying to get a picture of this gorgeous dresser, that we found for a steal at an estate auction, covered in Baby T's new things. I just love seeing stuff that I know one day she'll be wearing. Unintentionally, I think it's one of the only pictures that shows I am most definitely pregnant. 

And last but not least, I got my photographer back for another photo. It might not be my best photo but I take what I can get. My photographer has about a minutes worth of patience before he heads onto his next task...which is typically outside.

Surprisingly, I'm liking that I look more pregnant. At least it's more obvious why I'm gaining weight. And it's NOT because I'm having one too many milkshakes! :)

I'm once again able to eat healthier and I try to eat smaller meals. I'm working on spending more time in the barn and with my horses. And the better choices I make and the more active I stay, the better I feel. Tired...but better. It's pretty hard to believe that I've gotten this far already. Only 3 1/2 more months until baby girl is here.

The nursery is coming together. I can't wait to show you that. It's my favorite room in the whole house. Hopefully I can give you a peak at that soon!

I'd love to share more but I really need those 8 hours of sleep. I just wanted to share our news so that you can all stop wondering. (I'm sure you were all losing sleep over it!) I'll try to chat soon!

Goodnight friends!

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Little Honesty ...

Hello my long lost friends!

Today I have a topic that I've just had this strange urge to write and share about. I guess it's been on my mind quite a lot and I need some feedback...or rather some reassuring that I am not alone.

Normally I'm all about keeping things light and funny but this is a subject that weighs heavily on me. You all know that my husband and I are expecting our first child. And we are so happy for what's to come. But I've been struggling with some conflicting emotions.

It all came to surface with a trip for some new clothes for a new body. 

I have never been so hard on myself in my life. I've been pretty comfortable with my figure most of my 32 years. I get that we all have those bad days where we can't find anything we like on ourselves. However, this was the "what have I done-I shouldn't have eaten so many poptarts-is this a baby or a new roll-will I ever feel confident again" moment. And then I came out of the dressing room and the sales woman who was helping me asked me...

"Are you enjoying this pregnancy?"

I had a moment of shame. I thought about lying. But then I have always been honest and stuck to my guns.

And I replied "No".

There. I said it. And it still makes me feel terrible.

Let me be clear. I am BEYOND excited to be a mother. And I'm eternally GRATEFUL that we are blessed to become parents. I am not taking that for granted. I realize everyday that it is completely, one hundred percent, a miracle.

But at only 16 weeks (now 17 going on 18 because I've not been able to get my butt to sit down and get on here!) I'm so tired of feeling like crap. Every morning is hit or miss. Some days I feel okay. Some days it's awful, better run for the bathroom, kind of days. But so far, I've never woken up feeling great. I'm tired of eating bad things. I know this sounds like it should be a great excuse but in all honesty, I miss just eating normal, healthy food. Instead I eat what sounds good because it's the only thing I can imagine eating. If I must have a poptart, I have a poptart. (Thank goodness I'm over that kick now!!). But now I'm all about bagels. And cream cheese. And not always just one during the day! I do crave hey! That's good! I crave strawberry shakes. Hamburgers. Strawberry shakes. Macaroni n' cheese. More strawberry shakes. I've lost total control of my body. I have to go with the flow and eat what I can. And I think that's the bottom line. I am NOT in control.

I thought I was prepared for gaining weight. I have said from the get go "I can handle a baby belly". What I can't handle is thinking that everything feels bigger. I keep asking my poor husband if my face is getting rounder. I'm concerned with getting "wings". And I do believe I may be getting a little extra weight around my middle that is NOT baby. And yes, I KNOW I can work out...but please, please, please give me an ounce of extra energy to actually get to working out in a day. Every day I tell myself "tomorrow". I have worked out one time in the last 3 weeks. be fair to myself...I have been getting over the worst cold in the history of ever. However......."tomorrow" hasn't happened. Keep in mind, I have been the same size since high school. And hearing people tell me how I'll never get my body back after having kids is so darn depressing. I do NOT want to start wearing mom jeans and baggy t-shirts. I refuse. So maybe I'm in denial but dang it...if one more person tells me just to accept it, I'm going to spit.

I do understand my body is going to change. And I know that it's doing an amazing thing growing this little person. And again...I understand what a blessing it is. I do.

But I think I need to believe that I can "have my cake and eat it too". I wanted to be the mom that barely gained anything. 13 pounds later I don't see this one coming true as I'm only about 1/2 way through. But I want to be the mom that can feel great about myself. I want to go back to eating healthy and feeling smart and ambitious and not wanting to crawl back under my blankets every morning after I've stumbled out of bed. I really wanted to be the glowing pregnant woman. I do not feel like I'm glowing. Does that make me selfish? I sure hope not. Because I will love this child with everything I have. I just miss feeling like myself. I'm pretty certain that does not make me a bad person.

So maybe I need a little empathy. Maybe some stories on how other women have coped. What did you do to make yourself feel confident? Did you experience what I'm going through?

I'm hoping that as my body starts to look like it's actually carrying a baby and not just too many bad food choices, I will start to enjoy this pregnancy a little bit more. I have made the ultimate decision to not try shopping again until I actually look like I am having a little bambino. Seriously, the last trip was dangerous. I'm happy to say that no one lost any limbs but it was looking pretty grim there for a while.

I'm anxiously awaiting baby movements. Sometimes I think I feel something similar to a bubble. But nothing that has been a certain "oh my gosh that's my baby!" moment. Maybe when I actually feel that there's something in there I will start to believe this is happening and that it's all worth it. I am so excited to find out if we are having a little boy or girl! Hard to believe that's only 3 weeks away!

I couldn't be more overjoyed to be entering the world of parenthood. I'm just a little more thrilled that I only have a little over 4 months to get through. I'm ready to meet this little person that is going to change our lives for the better. Life will change as I know it...and that I'm "A" okay with!