
Monday, May 4, 2015

If You're Curious....

Hi everyone!

I have been busy busy, busy! I'm about a month behind on this update but I'm not really sure where time is going these days. I'm starting my 24th week already. I'm more than half way there! I cannot wait to meet.......

Him or her???? Ah ha! I'll bet you've been wondering. In fact I'm pretty shocked that I have been able to keep it from all of you! :)

I'm going to make this a fun post. I've included some of the photo's that I have taken as I've (tried) to track my progress. I was great up until 19 weeks. Then it got nicer out and I have had a hard time wrangling my photographer into the house to take my picture.

And if you keep scrolling you'll get to see...boy or girl?????

But about a fun little survey. I thought I would share some things about my journey thus far:

How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 22 lbs gained so far! Never thought I'd see those numbers on the scale.
Maternity clothes? Oh sweet heavens yes! Maternity pants??? BEST. INVENTION. EVER. I call them my fat pants. But seriously...elastic bands. Need I say more?
Stretch marks? Notta one.
Sleep: Loving it and sleeping great these past few weeks
Best moment this week: Getting to find great rummage sale deals for the baby!
Have you told family and friends: Yes, our families are very excited.
Movement: Lots and especially when I eat!
Food cravings: The cravings are subsiding a bit but WATERMELON is the current must have!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much these days.
Have you started to show yet: Finally starting to look like there's a baby in there!.
Gender prediction: I thought boy up until about 16 weeks and then thought girl.
Labor Signs: Nope. Pray not for some time.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Rings ON
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on the day. Mostly happy. Easily irritated.
Weekly Wisdom: Stay active! Moving, (horse) riding, walking all makes you feel healthy and happy
Milestones: Accepting my weight gain and knowing it's temporary. :) Thanks to ALL OF YOU GUYS!

Thank you again to everyone who was supportive and offered encouragement after reading my last post. It made a huge difference and has helped me accept that everything I'm experiencing is completely normal. Hugs to you all!

GET READY.......



My husband is very excited to be the father of a baby girl and of course I'm ecstatic.
Better yet, I can now work on decorating the nursery and finding those great rummage sale bargains!

She might end up being slightly spoiled. And most definitely a fashionista. Right husband?

And this might be one of my favorite photo's. I was trying to get a picture of this gorgeous dresser, that we found for a steal at an estate auction, covered in Baby T's new things. I just love seeing stuff that I know one day she'll be wearing. Unintentionally, I think it's one of the only pictures that shows I am most definitely pregnant. 

And last but not least, I got my photographer back for another photo. It might not be my best photo but I take what I can get. My photographer has about a minutes worth of patience before he heads onto his next task...which is typically outside.

Surprisingly, I'm liking that I look more pregnant. At least it's more obvious why I'm gaining weight. And it's NOT because I'm having one too many milkshakes! :)

I'm once again able to eat healthier and I try to eat smaller meals. I'm working on spending more time in the barn and with my horses. And the better choices I make and the more active I stay, the better I feel. Tired...but better. It's pretty hard to believe that I've gotten this far already. Only 3 1/2 more months until baby girl is here.

The nursery is coming together. I can't wait to show you that. It's my favorite room in the whole house. Hopefully I can give you a peak at that soon!

I'd love to share more but I really need those 8 hours of sleep. I just wanted to share our news so that you can all stop wondering. (I'm sure you were all losing sleep over it!) I'll try to chat soon!

Goodnight friends!