
Monday, November 12, 2012

Better Late Than Never (my #1 moment)

Sorry I left you all hanging yesterday. It was indeed my birthday and my first day as a 30 year old and I just wasn't in the mood for blogging. The morning was a teeny bit rough (we celebrated Saturday night) but I did what every birthday girl should do....ate chocolate cake for breakfast. Cake makes everything better. (Note: being 30 doesn't make your nutritional decisions any smarter. Glad to know I haven't grown up too much...)

Even though we celebrated the night before (with friends, shots, family, shots, dancing, shots and more shots)...I wasn't ready to return to a normal schedule quite yet. Rather than stay home and relax from the most crazy, drunken night of my life fun and exciting night, Tony wanted to take me shopping. Twist my arm...

So I got ready for an afternoon out and it was just one of those days that even wearing glittery underwear made me feel special. It's not like anyone knew I was wearing them..."Hello I'm the birthday girl and I'm wearing sparkly underwear!" but that's just how I roll. Anything to make myself feel extra special. (And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.) I made sure to rock my bling jeans for another day and I made certain to walk a little taller. I don't know what it is but I just love birthdays. And honestly, I'm kinda proud that I'm 30. Or maybe it was the fact that I'm pretty sure there was still alcohol in my system the next day. (Thank you to all my dear friends for buying me alllll. those. shots.) Whatever the reason was, I had a super great day and it definitely felt like MY day. :)

Now for my favorite memory in my 20's....(I'll bet you can all guess this one!)

Favorite Moment #1

Being proposed to by the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and who's your best friend.

At the rate we were going (he used the ENTIRE 5 year Meaning by the time we get married we will have been together just about 5 years) and all the excuses that man used I was convinced he would never ask. I thought that he really had no idea if I was the one.

I was a little suspicious when he asked me to book a weekend up North as soon as I could. I mean...he doesn't decide what we are doing the coming weekend. But I didn't dwell on it and figured he just wanted us to be able to get away for a little while. Looking back I can see that there were actually numerous little hints but I was just convinced I was reading too much into things. You know...doing what 98% of the female population does.

He took me to Bond Falls, Michigan and we had a good old fashioned picnic, even using my Grandmother's picnic basket. He said he thought he wasn't feeling well and didn't know why he had the shakes. After lunch we were walking towards the waterfalls and I took his hand. Leave it to me to kill the moment and pick on him for his hands being sweaty. This is Mr. Smooth we are talking about here. I don't think he got sweaty hands when we first started dating. But it was also 80 degrees so I didn't think too much of it. I was just hoping that he wasn't getting sick!

As soon as we got to the waterfalls he left me briefly while I was snapping pictures with my camera. Next thing I know, he's on his knee and asking me to marry him. I was speechless. So speechless that I forgot to answer and had him briefly thinking I was going to say no. However, he had nothing to fear. He's my best friend, my partner in crime and the one I want to grow old with. After finally answering him and slipping a gorgeous ring on my finger we had a fantastic rest of the day. It was a day I will never forget and a night I have a hard time remembering. I know that we celebrated like rock starts. (I take it back...that may have been my most crazy night ever. I'm pretty sure we tried to drink every drop of alcohol all in one night.)

The whole weekend was absolutely amazing. We hiked, did a little tourist shopping, relaxed at the cabin, enjoyed some ice cream and had an awesome steak dinner. I can't wait for us to go back and relive it all again (except I won't make him sweat about popping the question) :)

I can't wait to marry this man and see what the next few years bring us!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Second Best Thing

One more day!

I have a really busy day today so sadly I'm going to have to keep this post on the short side. I just realized that if I don't do this now I won't get to do it later! So onward....

Favorite Memory #2

Meeting the love of my life.

Right around the time that we met I had had enough of dating and men. Men think we are difficult??? Ha! They can be just as bad with drama as women.  I was 26 and I finally admitted to myself that maybe I was meant to be single a while longer. And I decided I was fine with that. I would have my dog and horses and cats instead....

This is where I tell you that the phrase "it happens when you stop looking" is 100% dead on.

Here is the story of how we met.

I'm the luckiest girl to be able to have Tony in my life. We have had our ups and downs just like everyone else but he has been my best friend through it all and I wouldn't trade him for Ryan Reynolds anything....(we'll keep Ryan in the running....JUST KIDDING babe!!!)

We are like peanut butter and jelly.....we were made for each other. :)

In fact...we've been together exactly 3 years and 7 months as  of today!

Dating 3 months

3 years later and stronger together than ever.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Biggest Thrill

3 more days!!

I thought I knew exactly what my third favorite moment in my 20's was and then I was what started that memory that was even better.

Favorite Memory #3

Every time I look at Dash I can't get over how lucky I am to call him mine. When he was born I told him he had big "shoes" to fill since he's Graycliff Jack Star's cousin (and since he was on my favorite's list you know how much I loved him!) and I think he's definitely done all that and more. His registered name is Blackwolf Steal Yo Thunda' and he makes the list, since he is my first home bred foal.

Look at that tiny little butt!
Watching one of your beloved mares have her very first foal is the most thrilling moment. It's almost as good as having your own child (although I say this without actually any knowledge of having my own child...but still...this is my blog). Then to watch the little fella grow and thinking that one day you will actually get to ride him. It's an amazing experience. Sometimes it's hard to believe he was ever that tiny. I remember thinking it was going to be the longest 3 years of my life until I could start training him. Now I can hardly believe five years has flown by already.

But as much as having him come into my life is one of my most favorite moments that I will never ever's how I was able to have such a blessing that is my most cherished. Funny how you almost forget the little things that really aren't so little when you think about it.

It was actually a day that I was driving with my dad. We were traveling, to Kentucky or Ohio I think, hauling a horse for someone. Back in "the ol days" my dad was actually a big part of my horse addiction/hobby/career. I would look at endless horse magazines while he drove; I would talk about this horse and that horse and he would have no idea who I was talking about but he let me go on and on. Oh I miss those days....sigh.....ANYWAYS....out of the blue he said "I have a secret that I'm not supposed to tell you but I really want to..."

So yeah...what's a girl to do with that statement? Like I'm just going to say "OK don't tell me"?

Of course I asked what he was talking about. And it didn't take much arm twisting. The next words were the most awesomest thing I'd ever heard: "I have a breeding to....blah blah blah" (non of you really care so we'll just say a horse.)

Say what? I had been in love with that horse from the first moment I saw him. And not just because he was big and black. Well, the big part was a factor since GoGo is practically a midget horse, but he was also smart, sweet, calm, solid, correctly built and had a park career in his day (for you non horsey people....that means he had a very very very pretty trot). But never did I think I would be able to have my very own foal (horse baby) by him!

Turns out my Dad had done some technical work for the stallions owners and was given the choice of a puppy (for him and my mom) or a breeding (for me). How many dads would pick something for their daughter over a puppy??? And maybe I should mention that while I've always called him dad, he's actually my step dad. So better many step-dads would pick something for their step-daughter over a puppy? A cute, fluffy puppy???

So THAT'S my favorite moment. Driving along and having my dad tell me a secret that he's not supposed to break to me yet and having it be something I had always wished for. Thanks Pops!

Dash and I winning a Reserve Championship
at The Morgan Masterpiece 2012.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's a Wonder(wiener)ful Life

Oh my goodness this week has gone fast. Only 4 more days (technically 3) until my 20's are officially behind me! I'm having fun sharing some of my favorite moments with all of you but to take a wee little break from all the horse posts, I'm going to tell you about one of the best things I've ever done.

That makes this...

Favorite Moment #4 (technically this might be closer to #2 but I don't want to make Tony feel tooo badly)  ;)

Getting a wiener dog. Best. Thing. Ever. Everyone should do it. They are the best dogs and I'm always telling Tony that Rudy is the best thing I've ever done. I think he feels a little slighted but hey...when he starts whining and wiggling his butt when I get home from work everyday, I'll reconsider....Just sayin'.

Ok I'm going to give you a super quick recap. I moved out briefly when I was 21 to work for a horse trainer. Unfortunately it didn't work out and she had to close her business, so feeling a little homesick and missing my own horses, I decided to come back home and start up my own full time business rather than finding another trainer to work for.

This decision led me to living with my parents for the next 3 years. At the ripe age of 24 I finally decided I needed to be out my own (once again) and found myself the perfect apartment. It was in the country and only 3 miles away from the farm that I did end up leasing.

Now back to the main story...

After only about 4 months (if that) I started searching for miniature dachshunds online. I had met one during a trip to Oklahoma one year and had fallen in love. From then on I knew that I would have one...SOMEDAY!
I finally found a place that wasn't too far from me and after numerous emails exchanged back and forth and for lack of anything better to do during the cold months, I convinced my mom to come and meet this woman and her dogs. She had 16 miniature dachshunds running around her house! I was in heaven!!! After seeing all those cutie pa-tooties I was hooked! In fact, I left with a contract and a future baby picked out. My mother was convinced I was nuts. After all, I had moved back in with them the first time, so what was to prevent me from coming back with a dog? (and oh yea...I had cats too) (Except here is where I should mention that I should have been allowed to have a wiener dog waaaay before then because my mother now asks when Rudy can come over...every time she knows I'm driving that direction, or when I'll be gone shopping for the afternoon, or when we have evening get the idea.)

Rudy took up cat cuddling early on.
I made a snap decision and decided I couldn't keep waiting for things to happen so I sent the contract back with my deposit and waited for my baby to be born. I was soooo excited! Then the mother that was to have my future pup had some complications and lost most of her litter. All she had left were two females and I knew that I wanted a male.

My next mama that I chose ended up not being pregnant.

Which left me to the last mama dog that was preggo. It was her first litter so I was a little hesitant since they didn't know what her puppies would be like. But when the time came she had one red male (which is what I really wanted) and I knew it was meant to be. Little Rudy was all mine. I had to wait a few weeks to see him and it was torture. She sent me tons of pictures so I could see how tiny he was but nothing prepared me for how itty bitty he actually was!

When I finally got Rudy (A Little Bit Rudy is his full name) home he was just a little nugget. We had a really cold May and he would just stand in the yard, shake, shiver and refuse to pee. And let me tell you, they don't make little doggie sweaters that little. So I made my own. From a sock. Ridiculously cute, I tell ya'.

He was the best puppy. He never whined and was my little snuggler. (Now I can't keep him quiet. He barks when he's scared. He barks when he's happy. He barks when he hears something...anything. Note: dachshunds are noisy) I took him everywhere with me. He went to horse shows, into restaurants (really), hotels and he came to the barn with me every day. He had his own little spot at the barn where he slept all day long but somehow always knew when it was lunch time. He even became a sort of dachshund rep at the horse shows. Anyone and everyone that had a doxie and had to leave them at home during a horse show came and held Rudy. He was like their "therapeutic" dog...their dog away from dog...he even had kids coming up and asking if he was the cute dog from the last show. He sure did get a reputation. Probably more than I did as a matter of fact. Huh. I guess it helps when you're cute and have sad little puppy eyes.

Last years birthday present
from Grandma.
Rudy will be 6 this March and there is not a day that goes by that I regret getting him. Some of you may think "he's just a dog" but most of you that know me will know this is NOT the case. He's my baby. Or my baby dog as I like to call him (which drives Tony crazy. Tony also thinks that I shouldn't talk to Rudy like a baby because he's actually 5. Hello, he's a dog. Like he actually knows the difference. Duh. In fact I'm pretty sure it makes him happy when I speak in high squeaky voices). Rudy makes me laugh every single day and makes me feel loved in a way that people can't. He knows when I'm happy and he knows when I'm upset or sad. And no matter what, he always tries to make me feel better. I love that crazy, loud, goofy little dog and I wouldn't trade him for the world!

The day I brought Rudy home, May 2007.

Someone doesn't look happy that I
caught him "catnapping"

Just the look I get every single day when it's time to play.

Play hard; sleep harder

And the photo-a-day for today was:

Day #8 Bright and Early

The sunrise at the horse farm during morning chores.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

People Make the Moments Special

Since I trained horses up until about 3 years ago most of my favorite moments are horse related. Through those years I worked with some amazing people and some really fantastic kids. I have watched some pretty cool kids achieve some of their most difficult goals.

...Like Miss Fox overcoming A.D.D and rocking the equitation patterns.

...And Yobe conquering saddle seat and finally winning her blue on her first horse.

...Little L overcoming her fear and learning to canter and then making it to regionals.

...M.H working patterns on a pattern green horse and earning a 4th at a regional show in the Hunt Seat AMHA Medal.

...And definitely watching Miss Libs beat some of her stiff competition for the first time and coming out of the ring with a 1000 watt smile.

And soooo many more that have all been stellar moments in my life.

But there is one family that will always stand out because they are still in my life to this day. Maybe not as much as I would like but I will always consider them apart of my family.

Favorite memory # 5:

I met my "sista' from anotha' motha' " when she was 10. Long story short BryBee started riding one of my horses while she owned an Appaloosa that was a little difficult for her to ride. We had her start riding walk/trot at a couple of the more local A rated shows and she was hooked. Fast forward a couple years, the Appaloosa was sold and her family purchased her, her very first Morgan.

The reason BryBee was different than the others is she used to go to the shows without her family and she would stay with my dad and I. She became my little sister. She even had a room at my parents that they called "Bry's Room". She started wearing my clothes at the age of 13! She was my mini-me. :) (Oh...and did I mention that she's actually going to be my Maid of Honor in our wedding? She's still my mini-me!! )

Watching BryBee grow from a gangly little kid to a young woman was truly a blessing. To see someone evolve and knowing that you were a part of that is a feeling to treasure. She went from riding my horse Jess walk/trot to learning to canter and then moved on to her new horse RusticV's Thunderheart. Her and T.H were a sight to behold. They totally kicked butt at every show they went to. This was the little girl who started out riding western, thumping around on a stubborn Appaloosa and kicking her short little legs incessantly just to get him to trot.

Gold Cup Equit. Champs 13 & under
BryBee and T.H, along with her Grandma S, finally got the chance to attend Gold Cup (a regional show). (Now here is where I'm going to mention briefly that I have never had a hunt seat lesson in my life. I learn by watching. And I love equitation, which is all about proper form and handling the horse effortlessly.) She did very well in the pleasure classes but when it came time for the equitation classes she blew me away. She rode like the winner she was and earned herself the blue! Our very first blue at a regional level! We were so excited!!! Grandma S was practically dancing and you could hear all her jewelry just a jingling throughout the barn. I was on cloud 9. I'm not even sure what BreBee felt like if I was that happy. To make the show even better she dominated the equitation championship later that weekend. To pull off two wins at that show was such an accomplishment for all of us. This wasn't our territory. Most of the other riders and trainers had no idea who we were. Ohhh...if I could just relive that moment one more time....

She was ecstatic. We may have
overdone the photo taking...

But now for my favorite memory...(yes this trumps the last one)...Grand Nationals & World Championship Horse Show in OKC, OK. Oh how I miss that show. For you non horse people, picture leather sofas, indoor water fountains, crystal chandeliers and lots of parties all in multiple horse barns. Seriously the most ridiculously extravagant decor you can imagine but it just lends to the feeling that anything is possible at this show. A horse show with magic. Yup. There is definitely magic involved. I can still smell the arena shavings and remember the thrill of trotting into that gigantic ring. I had the pleasure of riding some nice horses in that arena but I don't think those memories are near as great as those of watching BryBee and T.H compete. Their first nationals together was completely awesome. We knew it was possible to place top 10's and to have a super duper great time and make some really great memories but we certainly didn't expect the results we got!

I swear nothing beats the food you will eat in Oklahoma and the drinks and the parties. The socializing and the late nights. The laughs and oh yes...the horse shopping. So as I mentioned, we knew we were going to have a blast. But after BryBee's first class of the show we were completely floored. She came out Reserve Grand National Equitation Hunt Seat in her age division. Whooo baby! The rest became a blur. I don't remember what we said or what we did after. All I can remember is laughing and giving T.H a hundred (maybe even a thousand?) peppermints and hugs, hugs and more hugs. Never in a million years did I think I would get to experience the moment of being little ol' me and watching a rider that I taught do this well at Nationals. I hoped but I certainly never planned on it. And to prevent this post from becoming a novel...let's just say the show was one to remember forever. BryBee made it back to the finals of the AMHA Gold Medal class at Nationals (the finals consist of 12 riders, cut down from 40+ riders), placed top 10 in the equitation finals and was 3rd in the World Champion Hunter Pleasure for her age division. 3rd!!! Out of 21 kids! (I couldn't forget to mention that part!)

It was a show I'll never forget. I keep praying that some year I will get to experience that rush again. I keep thinking about how rewarding it would be to ride my own Black Wolf prefixed horse down that chute, even if it was just once.

So thank you Grandma S and BryBee for letting me have those glorious moments that I will remember over and over. All of those fun times over dinner, our jokes, the tears, the hugs, the pep talks and the road trips were unforgettable.

And thanks to all of the others that gave me the opportunity to work with them and their horses. Everyone of you helped me become the person that I am today and for that I will always be grateful.

I miss training horses and working with their owners and riders every day of my life but I am continually thankful to God for letting me have had the chance to live my dream for at least a part of my life. I will always have the horses and I know they will continue to give me great memories but I feel that my 30's are going to give me so many new and exciting experiences. I can't wait to share some more great moments with the special people in my life.

And off the subject...

 Day # 6 & 7 of my photo-a-day contest for the Country Outfitters were....

Day #6 Warm
It isn't Starbucks but it'll do...Pumpkin
Spice Cappuccino after voting!

#7 Roots
My grandmother....where the horse gene began.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Memory Lane...

I'm using my last week in my twenties to reminisce about some of my greatest memories. Funny how when you want to write them down you suddenly cannot remember all of them. I remember thinking as a kid that I would never forget my best days. We think we know everything. Reason # umpteenth that I should really start keeping a journal.

One memory that I will never forget and always be thankful for is the time I was able to train horses as a career.

Best moment(s) #6

Jack and I after he sold. It was our
last picture together.
During the few years that I was able to train horses, one touched me in a way I cannot explain. We just went together like....peas and carrots. He was ornery, stubborn, difficult and I just loved him.  His name was Graycliff Jack Star. I had started training him and the owner wanted to send him somewhere else for finishing. She knew he was a great horse and had big hopes for him. did I. I was absolutely devastated thinking about someone else having the opportunity to finish him and being the first to take him in the ring. I WANTED this horse. Me buying him was not an option so I desperately searched for someone to make an investment and take a huge leap of ME. I finally found that special person. And no one ever knew...she was family. Yep. Family. Tell me that doesn't show some faith! I still can't believe she did it just to give me a fair chance but she did and I'm so thankful. I told you I have a great family.

I was 24 (I think....this remembering years/ages is tricky) and had worked with some nice horses ( I loved absolutely every one I had the pleasure of working with) but Jack was special. He could really get noticed. And we did. The first year everyone thought he was cool but we still had some kinks to work out. The very first time we entered the show ring (they have you enter at a trot) he got about 3 strides in, saw an audience in the stands and whipped a 180 and out the gate we went. It took a few people to get us back in the ring but boy, he made me laugh! How an animal that big (and he was BIG) could be such a scaredy cat was beyond me. He definitely gave me more patience and he made me a better trainer.

Winning Reserve Champ
at Morgan Masterpiece
Fast forward a year and Jack was D-Y-N-A-M-I-T-E! We went to a regional horse show in Ohio, called Gold Cup (loved that show!) and for the first time ever we had a "fan club". Our first class we placed second, right underneath an amazing trainer. I was so proud of him since we beat out some other very nice horses and known trainers. It was a big moment for me. I had people coming up to me that night after the class telling me they thought I should have won. It didn't matter that I didn't win. The compliments alone meant a lot. And that is how Jack caught the eye of a woman that wanted to buy him.

He sold later in the season at our last regional show of the year. I was so excited to show him but I never got the chance. She bought him at the beginning of the show and since she wanted to qualify both of them for Nationals she wanted to show him right away. I'll never forget how I felt helping them get ready for their first class together. I was like a proud and nervous mom. Enter 15 other gorgeous horses in the ring and who won? We did! And by we I mean they, but I did help get them there. It was awesome! First time out and totally rocked it. Proud. Mom. Moment.

Jack winning a Grand National title.
It never mattered that I didn't own that horse. Jack was my special guy. I cried most of the drive home from that show knowing that he wasn't in my trailer on his way home with me. But I still loved knowing that he was doing great things with his new owner. Like winning Grand National titles. I followed his whereabouts for the next couple years. I heard he sold again and I didn't know to whom or where he was. I eventually heard from a friend that he was with a certain barn. I found her on facebook, sent her a message and received a reply that a young boy was riding him. Then for the best moment ever. ON MY 29th BIRTHDAY I received a message from the mother of this boy telling me they puffy heart loved him, he was spoiled rotten and she would make sure to keep me posted on how Jack was doing. I balled. Best present ever. Still can't explain my attachment to this horse. Like I said, we were like peas and carrots....

I'm still convinced that one day I will see him again in person and I will hug him and kiss him and he will remember who I am. And yes, I will cry my heart out but they will be tears of joy.

Thank you Luann for giving me the best experience of my horse training days. Jack will always be one of the greatest things that happened to me.
The picture I was sent from the new owners.
He was a surprise for their son on Christmas!

Monday, November 5, 2012

7 Days...

I have 7 days left in my twenties! And there will be NO tears this year!

I am happy beyond words. I have a terrific fiance', that I get to marry in 10 1/2 months. I have my dream car (superficial yes, but it), family that loves me and so many friends (old and new) that I have gotten closer too over the past year.

I read on another blog that the way to celebrate birthdays is NOT to celebrate getting older. It's about celebrating the past year and how many blessings we received throughout that year. I loved this. It's exactly what I needed to hear.

This week is my countdown to the last days in my 20's. They've been great and deserve to be appreciated!

In fact, I think I'll share some of my favorite memories from the past few years. I have a ton but I've come up with my top 7.

Here's favorite memory #7:

This is probably, technically, more than one memory but I'm going to throw it all into one because it's how I view it. It's also probably more recently in my 20's. Meeting new friends. Most of you probably think that's not something that would make the top 7 since most of you have had girlfriends since grade school/high school. But here's the thing with me. I was always at the barn instead of hanging out with friends. I had girlfriends in high school but afterwards most moved away, we drifted apart, or life just got too busy and we stopped making time. My best friend from grade school moved to some far away land (you know who you are...) after college and some of my horse friends went away to college and never came back (not dead...all alive and well...thank you Facebook).

Now technically the first friend I made that has been with me my whole 20's is a friend I met when I was 19 but she's still on my list. She made my 20's fun and my bad moments bearable. "T" you are awesome and definitely one of my closest friends!

After meeting Tony (who's further up the list of favorite memories) I was able to meet some more fantastic people. All of the "Winneconne Clan"...they have always made times more fun when Tony is busy gabbing to everyone else! :)

Then I met "Zoey's mom"...and it's been fun getting to know her better over the past couple years. All of our lunch dates and shopping trips have been tons of fun and I love getting texts from someone besides my mom and Tony :)

Most recently I started seeing the Meinen (and no longer Meinen) girls a lot more...Oh emm gee...where do I start? It's so refreshing to have girls to plan stuff with, dance with and just have fun! And the bachelorette party is definitely a night I'll never forget. It was my first bachelorette party and my first all girls night since I've been with Tony. I'm looking forward to many more nights of dancing in my 30's!

Thanks to my friend who moved to a far away land, I met my favorite Freemont gal and through her, my Wild Rose chica...these girls are TONS of fun. I don't think I stop laughing when we have our girls night dinners. I wish I saw them more but I'm happy that they were a part of my 20's. They have definitely been there for me when I most needed it. (Pssst....we need another girls date night!)

Another is my cuz K.T. Obviously we've known each other a (her) lifetime but we got much closer the past couple years and some of my most fun times were with her. The county fair will never be the same...since I don't think you can make something so simple that much fun ever again. Oh gosh...and beach volley ball. Beach volley ball and the lake will never compare to that summer. In fact, that may have been my most fun summer to date.

Lastly, I've met J.E, who might just be my soul sister. We have so much in common. She can talk as much as I can, she loves to have fun and she would rescue every animal known to man kind if she could. See?? Soul Sista's...I'm telling you....

And there are WAYYYY more that I know I haven't mentioned but let's be honest...everyone that knows me is awesome since I only pick awesome people to be friends with. It's because of all my awesomeness. True Story.

I told you it was a bunch of mini memories all rolled into one...but without all of my friends, my 20's wouldn't have been what they were. So if any of you are reading this...thank you for talking to me that first time, inviting me to that certain thing, making me laugh, replying to the first text message/email I ever sent you, or laughing at my sense of humor.  :) I love you all!

See? There will absolutely be no crying....only lots of laughs and celebrating with my wonderful family and awesome friends!

Speaking of counting days...I'm at day 5 of my photo-a-day contest for Country Outfitters. I am to show my "Country" lifestyle with each photo. Some of them are going to be trickier than others. Here were the last two. I can honestly say that day #4 was not very exciting. But I promised I'd share them!

Day #4 Bubbly

Orange soda on a Sunday night during movie time.

Day #5 Number
All 5 of my horses in one picture for the first time.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

And The Winner Is.... asked...and I decided since Tony's seen them, it's only fair to show you...right?

I got my wedding boots today!!!! I LOVE them!!!!

My something blue
Are they not fantastic??? Tony says they're "interesting". I think he's crazy. They are AWESOME.

The 3rd Of November

Today was a great day.

I have been looking forward to my step sister Kaylee being old enough to take shopping since she was 2 years old. I grew up an only child and I never had sisters to shop with. I certainly have gone shopping with my mom and girlfriends...but a sister is different. Sisters share things that they don't share with parents. We get each other in a way that friends don't. And even though there is a pretty big age gap, it was still a fun experience that I can't wait to repeat again.

We met for lunch, splurged on dessert and shopped till we dropped. She just turned 13 and since she's officially a teenager I wanted to help her feel like one...without the attitude of course! :)

I got her some fun colored new clothes, bath and body works and her very first lip gloss and eye shadow. I told her she should be allowed to be girly but being a "hootchy mama" is NOT allowed. (I hope I didn't just date myself saying "hootchy mama"). I taught her how to put it on lightly and even showed her how to style a new hairdo. It was a great girly day and watching that smile light up her face was worth every minute and penny spent.

I think it was more fun watching her get new things than getting myself anything....although she did help me pick out a new scent to wear for winter. Funny how excited she got helping me get something....

Now to my photo-a-day contest. Yesterday's topic was "Made of Wood" (and was a hard one to get creative with when it's supposed to reflect your "country" can only take so many pictures of  trees or fence) and today's topic was "All American".

How do you think I did??

Day #2 "Made of Wood"
Rustic mailbox

 Day #3 "All American"

Small town football games.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A November to Remember

Happy November 1st everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween. I'm a little sad it's over. How can it be gone already when I was just getting into it? We went out one night last weekend and it was the night of costumes. Leave it until I was getting dressed to go out (finding NOTHING to wear of course) that I came up with a stellar idea for a costume. NEXT YEAR darn it.

This past weekend I also started working on some small furniture re-do's and I keep thinking I'll get them finished so I can show you. They are my first attempts at this sort of thing and I don't want to take the time when all my good shows are on during the week rush it. However, they are currently sitting in our basement half finished, waiting for their final, loving, touches. I'll get to them soon. I promise. I'm really excited about one of them because it was my grandmothers. Fingers crossed.

With November now officially here and my big three-zero birthday only 10 days away I decided what better way to remember this month than with a 30 day photo challenge. Country Outfitter is hosting it and not only would it be fun for me but I could win $200 for a pair of new boots...and honestly, I don't mind a little healthy competition (but it would be a great birthday present, so don't anybody get no ideas about entering....) ehhemmm.....excuse me. Not sure what that was.....

So I thought I would share with you my photo-a-day for the next 30 days. (The goal is to show off one's country life in 30 days with the list of words provided) It'll make it a November to remember!! And if I don't  win (they wouldn't dare when a gal is turning 30, right?!) then at least I was able to share my month with you! :)

Day 1: LOVE
Love: trail riding