
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


No I'm not quoting The Beatles.

It's time to say hello to winter and goodbye to fall. And it's not even Thanksgiving yet. I hate when Thanksgiving is this late. I normally hold tight to my beliefs that Christmas decorations should wait to be seen until one holiday is finished and another begins. But this year I'm itching to get things up. So far I'm technically staying true to my own rule....there are no Santa's or stockings or Christmas tree's up yet. I only have a few appropriate things up that are more deemed "Winter" than "Christmas".

So I think that's totally acceptable. Yep...

Today (and my excuse is that it was a gorgeous day and why not take advantage, rather than putting things up in freezing cold temperatures...) I sadly took my outside fall decor down. The pumpkins were already shriveling, my straw-man was becoming frozen to his bench and all of my mums were brown (how do people keep those things alive anyways???)

Then up went the winter decor. Or the start of it. I have a few things to search for yet. It's actually kind of fun when you start a little early. I have time to get things the way I'd really like. You the things one finds on Pinterest. How did we decorate before Pinterest? If you don't Pin, don't start. It's an addiction. It's worse than watching trashy reality T.V. If you are in the mood for In the mood for You get the idea.

Anyways....since winter is coming and I never got to show off some of my fall stuff, I'm going to share some of the pictures I took a couple of weeks ago when it was sunny and sweatshirt weather...oh, those were the days.

 I had the husband wait to put this up until
after my last name was officially changed.

I attempted to take a picture...

Handsome little dog

My straw-man. Best idea ever. Have a friend assist, have some wine,
create a straw-man. And laugh our butts off.

Fall colors.

I can't believe Christmas is almost here. I'll share my decor soon! What great ideas are you putting up this year for the holidays?

Sneak peek: A new pair of flannel sheets.
The bedroom is even getting a "winter"look
thanks to a whoppin' $25 at Wal-Mart.
(I hate admitting that I was there)

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