
Thursday, September 18, 2014

LIVE! From My "New" Room...

Fall is here. It's September 18 and it's already been so cool the past couple of mornings that I have been able to see my breath. Today was a tad bit warmer but since it was my day off, I decided to take full advantage of the fall weather. As usual I didn't get a tenth of the things finished that I had wanted to get done today. But I did make it a great day.

I started my day with my first pumpkin recipe of the season. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip pancakes. I'd share the recipe that I used from Pinterest but since there are 10,000 different recipes you can choose any one of them. Plus...I can't find the one that I used. They were absolutely delish. And since I have some left over, it will make waking up tomorrow morning much easier...

Then I turned to a paintbrush and finished my whitewashing project I've been tackling on the bead board and baseboard in my small little bedroom makeover. (Needing a little motivation I turned the T.V on for some background noise. Normally my show of choice is anything HGTV. However....there was a Friday the 13th marathon on. Heck. Yes. It is undoubtedly more difficult to get things accomplished while trying to tune in to a cheesy yet classic horror film. ) Of course once that was done, I decided it would be pretty awesome if I could get some furniture in the room and see how much I could make it look like a real room in one day. And I'm proud to say that as I write this I'M SITTING AT MY NEW DESK IN MY "NEW" LITTLE BEDROOM TURNED OFFICE! It's far from finished but it actually resembles a room! My husband even walked into it and said what a difference some paint and decor make. I am so excited about this little room that I just had to write a quick post and share my "so far" photo. It's just a sneak peak and there will be more to come. But for now....

A reminder of the before:

 And here is the "so far"! This is only the far end. The rest of the room is coming together but I wasn't quite ready to show that off yet. I'll keep you all posted. Let me know what you think! (Except for the carpet. You can ignore that. That's another project for another day)  :)

Thanks for reading and good night!

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